Taking the plunge and migrating to Australia.

Archive for February, 2010

A Swift visit to Melbourne to see Taylor!



As you can guess from the title of this blog entry – we recently went to Melbourne to see TAYLOR SWIFT in concert!  For those of you who don’t know who Taylor Swift is, she is the lovely blonde starlet from the USA (see the album covers left and right!).  Lucy was got really excited when she heard that Taylor Swift was coming to Australia, so we sneakily bought some tickets for the show and gave them to Lucy as an early Birthday present!  On the day of the show, I collected Lucy from school and took her to have her hair done especially for the concert.  Then, we met up with Paul and drove up to the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne.  We are very lucky to be able to access Melbourne so easily as it always seems to have the big acts that often miss smaller places in Australia.

Our good friend, Alison, had also bought tickets for her daughter, so we met up with them at the concert too.  Lucy had a great time and the concert was just right for tweenagers!  We had quite a good view of the stage, but the best part was when Taylor Swift actually appeared in the crowd near to where we were sitting and sang solo on her guitar!  That was awesome!  I think I even saw Paul singing along to a few songs too!! Check out the pictures……..

…..it’s been a while

The title of this blog entry is fitting…..it’s been a while since I wrote anything on the blog.  This has been mainly due to wanting to spend as much time with Mum & Dad as possible in their last couple of weeks staying with us.  And then having to cope with their departure.  The latter, I can tell you, was not at all easy.  However, before we get to the emotional bit, I wanted to share with you some of the last things we did with Mum & Dad in their final week or so:

We took Mum & Dad to Point Lonsdale for another outside BBQ and a paddle on the beach.  Then we visited Anglesea again to see the Kangaroos on the golf course (this time, the kangaroos were out in large numbers!).  On the way back from Anglesea, Dad shouted out “Kangaroo!”  We all thought he was joking at first but, sure enough, he had spotted a small group of kangaroos hopping in a field.  It was lovely that Mum & Dad got to see them in the ‘real’ wild!  As Mum & Dad were not going to be here for Lucy’s Birthday in February, we decided to have an early Birthday party for Lucy.  So, we got together with Greg & Pauline, bought some cakes, and had a good old Australian ‘morning tea’ for Lucy!  Lucy thought it was cool as she got to eat Birthday cake and it was only January!!  Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

I can see my feet!!  Happy Early Birthday Lucy!  Puffed out in Portarlington

Mother and Daughter  Father & Daughter  We're on a road to nowhere!

As many of you good readers will understand, I struggled to know what to do about getting a job before Mum & Dad’s visit.  Part of me wanted to not work and spend all the time with them (and get a job when they had gone), but another part of me felt the need to get a job and do something constructive with my time (as opposed to sunbathe and drink tea all day which, I can tell you, is a very tempting proposition out here!!).  As usual, my prayers were answered when I was successful in getting my present job at the City of Greater Geelong.  It ticked all the right boxes (part-time, flexible and great working environment etc.) and I couldn’t refuse it!  I am so glad I made that decision to work as I have been able to do some really cool stuff – some of which Mum & Dad have been able to see first-hand (a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for both of us).  One of the work events Mum & Dad witnessed was during Audi Victoria Week, a sailing extravaganza hosted each year in Geelong.  I was asked by my boss to go on a cruise ship to network with some VIPs and ‘sell’ Geelong as a wonderful place to live, work and learn (that bit was quite easy to do as it’s such al lovely place!).  What a fantastic opportunity – and right up my street!  Check out the pictures……of course, the whole adventure was made even more enjoyable as it was a baking hot day!

Then, the fateful day arrived and we were all left wondering where the last 8 weeks had gone!  We took Mum & Dad to the Rivermouth Cafe in Barwon Heads for fish & Chips and then for ice cream at the Great Australian Ice Creamery.  Then, the day ticked away and our time was up.  Our lovely friend, Greg, had very kindly offered to drive Mum & Dad to the airport (Thanks Greg; that was wonderful of you…especially for allowing me to sob quietly to myself on the return journey!).  Paul and Lucy stayed safe at home and said their goodbyes in the comfort of the house – which, I think, was a very wise move!  I had never before experienced such emotion.  Not even when I left the UK.  Saying goodbye at Melbourne airport was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do.  Nevertheless, we managed it.  It took me a while to recover (Paul said he had never seen me that sad in all the 19 years we have known each other!).  I was able to throw myself into work (another plus side for making that decision to work!) and I am slowly getting there.  Mum & Dad were great house guests; they helped heaps around the house and babysat for Lucy lots of times, allowing us to get to the cinema more often than we are used to!  I miss them terribly – but at least they were able to see where we are living at the moment and meet some of the friends that we have made – and they can also visualise the places that we talk about!  In addition, Mum & Dad were kind enough to buy us lots of things whilst they were here; sun loungers and useful kitchen items to name but a few – so we have lots of reminders of them when we use the items!  Also, I keep reminding myself that I will be seeing them in July when I attend my graduation ceremony!  Here are the last pictures taken of a very tanned looking Mum & Dad before they went back to the freezing temperatures of the UK….!  Thanks for making the journey out here Mum & Dad…..it meant a lot to us to have you visit heart 

Mum & Dad's last Day (2)     Mum & Dad's last Day (3)     Mum & Dad's last Day

Happy Anniversary

Hello glorious readers. Guess who had an anniversary to celebrate (easy to answer)? Guess what the anniversary celebrated (not so easy to answer)? Tick . . . . . . . . . . tock . . . . . . . . . . tick . . . . . . . . . . tock. Brrrrrrrrp! Answer: The 1st of February 2010 signified one whole year of being in Australia. Crikey! One whole year. It really doesn’t seem that long since I last saw some of you good people back in England.

It has been a fantastic twelve months that have been full of amazing experiences and enlightening personal journeys, but all worthwhile (checkout the photo album I have uploaded). Who knows what this year will bring about (the Melbourne Grand Prix and my 42nd birthday are two things), and goodness knows where we will travel to; but no matter what comes our way we will be sure to share it with you via this blog. So make sure you check back regularly to keep abreast (tee – hee, I used the word breast) of our antics. BFN.