Taking the plunge and migrating to Australia.

Archive for July, 2012

Nearing the End of the Rainbow

How-dee doo-dee readers.
We Cassons are still in paradise but heading towards the end of our stay, but, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
We haven’t been doing much out of the ordinary but may fit one more snorkelling trip into our remaining time here. It’ll happen if it needs to.
One thing I won’t be repeating though is thinking that everything orange is tasty. Last Saturday evening the meal on offer was a Mongolian BBQ. This comprised of choosing raw meat and vegetables that were cooked in a super-hot wok in front of you before being tipped onto a clean plate so that you could devour it back at your table. However, before the cooking process started there was the opportunity to add a sauce to your chosen meat for it to be cooked in. Being the sort of person that loves colour, I chose the brightest sauce possible for my food since I’d decided it was going to be a sweet, tangy number. So without checking I ladelled three servings of the stuff on my plate. Yum!
The chefs cooked my food with smiles and laughter and the odd conversation with each other (I wonder what they were saying?). My plate was handed back to me a few minutes later and I gladly strolled back to my table ready to tackle the sumptuous looking creation that I had had a part in making.
My fork went into the food like the bucket of a massive digger and delivered its payload to my expectant mouth. After a few seconds of chewing I instantly became aware of a problem: someone had laced my food with NAPALM. My mouth was on fire. The orange sauce I had so readily coated my food in was non other than a derivative of Fiji’s hottest chilli. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhh! After drinking the ocean that lapped up at the beach, I pushed my food aside and got the hump. Suffice to say I won’t be making the same mistake at tonight’s Mongolian BBQ (unless there’s another intriguing coloured sauce).
So people, beware of anything orange. Who knows what it could be?
BFN lovely people.

Posted to WordPress from my Windows Phone.

Oh Paradise, How I Enjoy Thee.

Wow! Fiji time is just hitting home as we slow down and take things at a speed that isn’t familiar to the western world, but should be introduced to it. We’re having a ball out here and have just done the usual stuff: snorkelling, dolphin watching, sun bathing, cocktail drinking, more snorkelling, eating and a tad more sun bathing. Oh, and eating food that you’ve covered in some of the hottest chilli sauce known to man when you thought it was the sweet and sour variety. Tough huh?
So, it’s time to head off and partake in some more of paradise’s little challenges.

Posted to WordPress from my Windows Phone.

Fiji Time – Day Two

Not much going on in paradise. Just lots of snorkelling, sunbathing, eating and drinking. Oh, and taking in the magnificent views. Take a look for yourself by checking out the photo collage below. See ya.

Posted to WordPress from my Windows Phone.