Taking the plunge and migrating to Australia.

Archive for February, 2013

The Beautiful South

Hello readers.

I’d best start this post by explaining its title: The Beautiful South. It is a nod of the hat to the now disbanded pop group that went by the same name, rather than a description of a part of Australia we’ve recently visited. Why the nod then? Well one of their songs was called ‘A Little Time’ which is exactly what I now have, but in abundance. Work, at the moment, isn’t on the menu for me so I, like the blog title states, have a little time to myself. Cool huh?

So why am I not working? Simple really, I told my existing employer to stick their job after some poor conduct by management forced me to take a moral stand and let them know they were behaving in a way that was unbecoming of people in their position. Yeh! Management should know better and I let them know as much. Pastures new now await me, as do some exciting times.

Talking of pastures new, Bec has landed a new job and now finds herself with the title of Executive Director for The Committee for Geelong. Phew! Some title. It’s a big gig but she is love, love, love, loving it. A job of this magnitude has been a long time coming but it’s here now and she isn’t letting it go. Good luck to her too. She’s worked for idiots long enough, now it’s her turn to be the . . . . . . . . erm, on to other things.

Although my summer holiday is still rolling on Lucy’s hasn’t because she had to start high school a couple of weeks ago, but even in that short time it has changed her (more confidence, more talking, more opinions, more sighing) and has also started the onset of teenageritus. Good job I’m known for my patience. Oh wait, I’m not. Aaaaaaaarrrggghhhh!

Visitors have been coming and going and we now find ourselves in the company of the outlaws until the end of March (?).

Travel wise we haven’t been too far afield, but because of Bec’s new job that will son change as it will require her / us to attend events near and far. One such event is in Canberra next month, and because the outlaws are here to babysit / teenagersit I’ll be able to tag along. Hopefully I won’t be working.

So that’s it. Not much else to report (maybe the weather, hot since November and still going with only a few days rain).

Check back soon.
